Escape Travel
There’s nothing in this world more satisfying, more rejuvenating or thrilling than escape travel. To book your tickets, pack your bags and head off on your own escape travel adventure is to kiss your worries and cares goodbye, and to spend some important time pampering yourself, or to indulge your senses with someone special. It is to go on a journey of discovery – and whether that involves seeking out the wonders of a new culture, enjoying the sensations that come with checking out new cuisines, relaxing for a week or two in a spa, or enjoying the high-octane thrills of adventure sports… nobody could deny that escape travel has the power to excite and satisfy unlike any other type of holiday.
Escape travel is more accessible and popular than ever before. Holiday businesses all over the world are tapping into the potential that escape travel brings, and more and more people are finding out for themselves just how important escape travel can be for their happiness, their ability to tackle the stresses of everyday life, and for enjoying new experiences. With the luxury tourism industry booming, and new lavish hotels and resorts opening every year, escape travel is a trend which is sure to continue its ascent – isn’t it time you explored the wonders of escape travel for yourself?
Let’s lift the lid on this amazing and endlessly exciting aspect of the tourism industry, and discover just what it is that makes escape travel so special, so popular, and so appealing to people all over the world. Before long, we have no doubt that you’ll be planning an escape travel adventure of your own… and who could possibly blame you for that?
The Need for Escape Travel
Whenever the subject of escape travel arises, the first question most people are compelled to ask is an obvious one: escape from what? The simple fact of the matter is that most people might not understand their need for escape travel until they arrive at a lavish hotel and resort… and then the answer to that question becomes painfully clear. As you begin settling into an escape travel holiday, and enjoying the freedom, relaxation, and blissful isolation that such vacations provide by the bucketful, any doubts that you might have had regarding your need for an escape travel week or fortnight will begin to fade, before vanishing completely.
The simple fact of the matter is that life in the 21st century can be stressful. Whether you already enjoy a relatively luxurious lifestyle, or work hard to be able to afford to treat yourself to a break, the fact that life is speeding up is something few people would be able to deny. Living in the city, especially, is something which can quickly cause us to burn out and become anxious – all those agonisingly long commutes, the repetition of the working week, the pressure to provide and ensure everything is accounted for… such things can pile up on even the most diligent of individuals, meaning escape travel becomes ever more important.
To cut yourself off from the stresses of everyday life, and to relax in a lavish hotel or luxurious resort is the kind of thing we all catch ourselves daydreaming about – no matter how much we may enjoy our jobs or the places where we live. Escape travel is capable of showing you a different way of living, and it can teach you new ways to kick back, luxuriate, and relax in the most beautiful and elegant settings on earth. It’s not merely a treat for your senses; it’s the solution to a stressful lifestyle, which can leave you glowing with satisfaction for months after you’ve returned home.
What Exactly Is Escape Travel?
The beauty of escape travel is that it can essentially be whatever you want it to be. We all have different ways of ‘escaping’, and we all know what is going to tick our personal boxes when it comes to relaxation.
However, when you choose to stay in a lavish hotel and resort, the number of possibilities for crafting your own idyllic escape suddenly multiply by a significant amount. If you’re the kind of person who dreams of escape travel filled with blissful spa services, then escape travel hotels are going to have what it takes to fulfil your wellness fantasies. If you long for exotic cuisine, or the chance to uncover the secrets of a culture wholly foreign to your own, then escape travel can also provide this to a wonderful degree. Enjoy lying on pristine white-sand beaches? Daydream about trekking through jungles, climbing mountains, cycling over valleys or engaging in thrilling adventure sports? Your escape travel holiday is waiting to tick such things off your bucket list.
At its heart, escape travel is all about wish fulfilment, as well as simply cutting yourself off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s about doing whatever you want to do, while also having the freedom to slip your shoes off, pad around barefoot in luxurious settings, and giving your senses the treats they well and truly deserve. Lavish Hotels and Resorts has scoured the finest hotels and resorts from all over the world, and has gathered them together to help those seeking escape travel and luxury breaks find the perfect location for their needs. These are all hotels and resorts which offer the utmost in luxury, lavish escape travel opportunities and the loftiest heights of service and comfort… perfect for making your escape travel dreams a wonderful reality.
How Has Escape Travel Become So Popular?
The luxury travel industry has boomed over the past decade or so. Interestingly, it showed strong growth even through the global recession, demonstrating just how robust and eager for development this sector of the industry has become. It seems that each and every year, lavish hotels and resorts compete with one another to become even more devoted to fulfilling each and every one of their guests desires, and that they are also in competition to offer ever-more tailored and personalised services.
The growth in popularity of escape travel has helped drive this part of the industry forwards, too. It has also helped diversify the locations of lavish hotels and escape travel destinations – escape travel is, after all, focused on getting away from the crowds and uncovering new experiences, meaning that there are always some new up-and-coming holiday destinations willing to make their mark on the industry.
One of the key reasons for the increased popularity of escape travel has come down to the fact that people – and younger generations in particular – are seemingly more keen on spending their money on experiences, rather than on luxury items. Whereas once, disposable income would have been spent on the latest television, or an upgrade to a car etc, there is a greater emphasis nowadays on travel, discovery, social media-friendly photo opportunities, and exploring the wider world. This has led to a real boomtime for the escape travel industries, and has seen several lavish hotels all around the world really up their game to offer something new, exciting, and unique.
On top of this, there is more of a call than ever before for a sense of ‘authenticity’ from lavish resorts and escape travel destinations. Contemporary travellers and holidaymakers crave to get under the skin of a culture, and to feel connected to the place that they’re visiting – that’s part of the appeal of escape travel, after all. This has led to a fascinating and welcome trend in the world of escape travel, and one which has seen resorts and hotels establish or reinvent themselves as places where one cannot merely relax and get away from it all, but also gain an insight and an experience into the culture of the place they’re visiting.
The Growing Luxury of Escape Travel
Not so long ago, the concept of ‘escape travel’ was one which was primarily associated with backpacking gap year students, keen to get away from their lives for a while, and rough it out in the far-flung corners of the world. Now, there’s nothing essentially wrong with that – it often looks like a lot of fun – but it’s not necessarily the kind of thing which would suit everybody.
Today, escape travel has well and truly established itself as part of the luxury sector. Isolated rainforest retreats, private islands on the edges of coral reefs, exclusive spas tucked away from the bright lights of the bustling city… all of this and more has formed the heart of what escape travel is all about. Luxury, decadence, elegance and sophistication are all key, and yet there also remains an authentic heart at the centre of escape travel. To visit a private island in The Maldives, for example, and wake to see the turquoise waters lapping beneath your sun terrace is an experience which combines the luxurious, the stripped-back, and the simplistic… and frankly, it sounds like paradise.
Types of Escape Travel
Everybody’s concept of escape travel is different, and as a result, there’s not just one type of escape travel holiday out there waiting for you to grasp it with both hands! Over the years, several distinct niches of escape travel have arisen, with each just as satisfying as the last. Let’s take a quick look at some of our favourites, and consider just what type of person would most benefit from them.
- Eco-Tourism Escape Travel
Probably the newest contender for the contemporary escape travel holiday’s crown, Eco Tourism escape travel holidays are very much en vogue right now, and showing the industry the exciting directions it has the potential to go in.
Eco tourism is all about getting back to nature, and lavish hotels and resorts of the world are clambering over each other to respond to this latest trend. Essentially, it involves staying somewhere which is in harmony with its natural surroundings, and which has ethical and environmentally-friendly values at heart. Jungle retreats, island resorts made from natural materials, low-impact luxury hotels which use the surrounding landscape to their advantage without negatively affecting it… all of these things and more form the basis for eco escape travel experiences. This type of escape travel is about reconnecting with and luxuriating in nature, and taking the time to relax in a place which uses the surrounding environment and its resources responsibly.
- Wellness Tourism and Spa Escape Travel
If there is one industry which has helped define contemporary tourism and escape travel as a whole, it is surely the wellness sector. Spa breaks used to be something mainly concerning wealthy older women looking for a massage or two… but today, wellness treatments and spa therapies are enjoyed by men and women of all ages, and form much of the basis of today’s escape travel sector.
What could possibly be better than having your body and senses treated by trained professionals, utilising a range of modern and ancient techniques to ensure you leave feeling utterly transformed and at your best? Wellness-oriented escape travel holidays are often centred on traditional wellness techniques and ancient methods – see the rise in popularity of ayurvedic massage for a clear example of this trend – and they have the potential to transport you to a world of blissful relaxation of the like you never knew existed.
- Foodie Adventures and Escape Travel
Food has always been one of the best reasons to travel, and the escape travel industry has – especially in recent years – put a huge amount of emphasis on creating foodie adventures for those seeking to expand their palates. For many people, escape travel provides the perfect opportunity to explore new culinary cultures and traditions, and try the kind of food you can only get pale imitations of back at home.
In many lavish escape travel hotels and resorts, world-class chefs work with dedicated kitchen teams to provide their guests with gastronomic delights aplenty. The freshest fish from tropical waters, fine wines from grapes grown on sun-baked hillsides, tasting menus showing off the very best of the location’s produce… all of this is waiting to be explored, alongside much, much more.
- Activity-Based Escape Travel
Some people love nothing more than spending their escape travel holiday doing very little, and soaking up some sunshine on a pristine beach or by a pool. For others, the idea of spending their escape travel adventure in such a way seems like a bizarre waste of time – why would you lie on the beach, when there are mountains to explore and waves to conquer?
Many lavish hotels and resorts providing escape travel opportunities fully understand that many people seek thrills alongside their escape travel experiences. Scuba diving through coral reefs, cycling adventures, jet-skiing, snorkeling, hiking and much more can be discovered on an escape travel trip, and who knows? You might discover a new passion or hobby to fall in love with.
Escape Travel: The Ultimate Holiday Experience
As we’ve seen, escape travel is an exciting, growing sector within the luxury tourism industry, and one which is prompting many of the most interesting and tempting developments in the world of hotels, resorts and holiday destinations. By booking yourself into a lavish hotel or resort, you’ll be able to achieve your dreams of escaping from the stresses and pace of everyday life, and truly luxuriating yourself in your own personalised escape travel experience.
From gastronomic flights of fancy, to blissful wellness and spa retreats, pristine beaches, beautiful pools, incredible rooms and the absolute utmost in service – it’s all waiting for you at a lavish hotel and resort. What are you waiting for? Your escape travel experience is out there… so get packing, and see where escape travel takes you!